
Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages

The new Bitrix Multilingual module provides the ability to store content in one infoblock in different languages!
Битрикс Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages
Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages (modulemarket.translator) - Модуль Битрикс
Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages (modulemarket.translator) - Модуль Битрикс
Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages (modulemarket.translator) - Модуль Битрикс
Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages (modulemarket.translator) - Модуль Битрикс
Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages (modulemarket.translator) - Модуль Битрикс
Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages (modulemarket.translator) - Модуль Битрикс
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Components in a module

At the moment, the module works with translations in such complex components as the catalog, news, catalog menu and shopping cart, thus covering the basic needs for translations on the site. The number of supported modules is constantly growing. Priority is given to the main components of Bitrix, which are most often used on websites.

  1. bitrix:catalog.element
  2. bitrix:catalog.products.viewed
  3. bitrix:catalog.section
  4. bitrix:catalog.section.list
  7. bitrix:menu.sections
  8. bitrix:news.detail
  9. bitrix:news.index
  10. bitrix:news.list
  11. bitrix:sale.basket.basket
  12. bitrix:sale.order.ajax
  14. bitrix:breadcrumb
  16. bitrix:search.title

The most common headache for Bitrix site owners is its multilingualism. A corporate website for different countries is the most common but not the most difficult. Multilingual media, online stores and intranet portals are created much less frequently. Here the situation is much more complicated.

It's good when the content is different for each language version of the site. But, basically, the content will be duplicated and differ only in the language in which it is provided. Out of the box, Bitrix only partially provides us with tools to solve the problem. If we can also translate interface elements into any language using the Localization module, where all translations are stored in arrays in the language files of components and component templates, then it is much more difficult with infoblocks. This problem is especially relevant for a product catalog, which can be downloaded, for example, from 1C.

And this is where experiments with multilingual site begin. Each programmer resorts to some simple tricks that do not solve the problem globally. To display a page in another language, they begin to write crutch solutions that pile up one on top of the other during the development process. And still, in the end, we do not see the full picture of the solution.

Solutions vary. Some try to duplicate infoblocks, others create duplicate properties for each language inside existing infoblocks. There are even worse cases when creating translation automation through the translator services API. All this gives rise to endless customization of components and their templates. The real hell for the site owner.

Our Multilingual module will help solve the problem of multilingual infoblocks. After all, everything is done easily and simply in it. It is enough to install the translation module, specify the default language and that's it! The content manager only needs to switch the language in the admin panel, and refill the data in the language he needs.

What the translation module can do.

The Bitrix multilingual module is currently able to translate the following entities:

  • infoblock fields

  • section fields

  • fields and properties of infoblock elements

  • infoblock element property values

IPROPERTY_VALUES in different languages!

The module also provides the ability to translate the SEO fields of infoblocks and their sections and elements. And all this does not affect performance! For example, I will show you performance measurements of one and the pages of my site in different languages. The picture below shows that the bitrix:news.list component on the version with translation into English worked with such results for 0.0327 sec; Queries: 87 (0.0055 sec), and the same Bitrix news list component on the original version without translation worked with the same results in 0.0326 s; Requests: 87 (0.0054 s).

We have solved the main problems of multilingualism. The translation module will be constantly developed, optimized and enriched with its functionality. And there will be no performance problems during translation, as you can see on the screenshots above!

Order implementation from us, and we will provide you with professional certified content managers who will help you translate your Bitrix site into the languages you need.

The main advantages of the module

  • There is no limit on the number of languages used
  • Quick installation
  • Doesn't load the system at all.
  • Requires no changes to component templates
  • Easily integrated into custom components
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